An exciting new series explores the origins and teachings of the world's martial arts. An expedition through foreign continents, famous cities, exotic villages, back alleys and lush landscapes with hosts Jason Chambers mixed-martial-artist and professional fighter and Bill Duff former professional football player and wrestler , who will learn how each individual location gave birth to its distinct form of combat and will study their form of martial art. Despite its emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, in many ways martial arts are about how not to fight. This is one of the first lessons hosts and seasoned fighters Jason Chambers and Bill Duff learn on their globe-spanning quest to discover the traditions and techniques of the world's fighting styles . Learn with them as they seek out Masters of ancient and modern disciplines in the lands where they were created. Discover the cultures that gave rise to distinct martial arts. Witness as Jason and Bill challenge a champion - a true HUMAN WEAPON - after only a week of instruction! Their prepareness for a battle against a professional fighting master in the arts of MAUY THAI, KARATE, JUDO, ESKRIMA Stick-fighting, SAVATE Street-fighting,KUNG FU and much more.